Islamic Cartography علم الخرائط الإسلامي

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Islamic Cartography: A Bibliography of Modern Literature [Letter "B"]

Islamic Cartography: A Bibliography of Modern literature [Letter “B”]

For more information see the introduction to the bibliography. See also list "A".

Babinger, F. "Seyyid Nuh and His Turkish Sailing Book." Imago Mundi 12 (1955): 180-2.
Idem, "Drei Stadtansichten von Konstantinopel, Galata ('Pera') und Skutari aus dem Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts." Denkschriften der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften 77, no. 3 (1959): 3-21.
Idem, "Piri Muhi 'l-Din Re'is." In The Encyclopedia of Islam. 2d edition.
Idem, "Eine unbemerkte hollandische Grossansicht von Konstantinopel (um 1665)." Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen. Philologisch-historische Klasse (1962): 81-90.
Idem, "Zwei Stambuler Gesamtansichten aus den Jahren 1616 and 1642." Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Abhandlungen, 50 (1960): 3-16.

Bacqué-Grammont. Jean Louis. "Un plan Ottoman inédit de Van au XVIIe siècle." Osmanlı Araştırmaları Dergisi, Journal of Ottoman Studies, 2 (1981): 97-122.

Bagrow, Leo. "A Tale from the Bosphorus: Some Impressions from
My Work at Topkapu Saray Library, Summer 1954." Imago Mundi 12 (1955): 25-29.

Baer, Eva. "The Ruler in Cosmic Setting: A Note on Medieval Islamic Iconography." In Essays in Islamic art and architecture: in honor of Katharina Otto-Dorn. Ed. Abbas Daneshvari. Malibu, CA : Undena Publications. 1981:13-19.

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Barani. Syed Hasan. “Muslim Researches in Geodesy." In Al-Biruni Commemoration Volume, A.H. 362-A.H. 1362, 1-52. Calcutta: Iran Society, 1951.
Idem, “Al-Biruni and His Magnum Opus al-Qānūn u'l-Mas’ūdī." In al-Qānūn u'l-Mas’ūdī (Canon Masudicus), 3 vols., vol. 1:i-lxxv. Hyderabad: Osmania Oriental Publications Bureau, 1954-56.

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Bausani, Alessandro. " L’Italia nel Kitab-ï Bahriyye di Piri Reis." Il Veltro: Rivista della Civilta Italiana, 23 (1979): 173-96.
Idem. “La Sardegna nel Kitâb-i Bahriyye di Piri Reis.” Geografia 2 (1980): 71-79.
Idem. “La costa italiana del Tirreno, da Civitavecchia a Ischia, nel portolano di Piri Reis (1521-1527).” In Rasa’il, in memoria di Umberto Rizzitano Palermo: Samandar, 1983: 53-63.
Idem. “Le coste della penisola salentina nel portolano di Piri Reis.” In Studi in onore di Francesco Gabrieli nel suo ottantesimo compleanno, a cura di Renato Train, Roma: s.n. [Don Bosco], 1984: 53-59.
Idem. “La costa Muggia-Trieste-Venezia nel Portolano (1521-27) di Piri Reis.” In Studi arabo-islamici di onore di Roberto Rubinacci nel suo settantesimo compleanno, a cura di Clelia Sarnelli Cerqua, Napoli: s.n. [Arte Tipografica], 1985 [1988]: 65-69.
Idem. “Venezia e l’Adriatico in un portolano turco.” In Venezia e l’ Oriente. Atti del XXV Corso Internazionale di alta cultura, a cura di Lionello Lanciotti, Firenze : L. S. Olschki, 1987: 339-352.

Baykara, Tuncer, Anadolu’nun Tarihi Cografyasina Giris, (1988).

Baysun, Cavid. "Belgrad." In İslâm ansiklopedisi, 13 vols.; 2:475-85. Istanbul: Milli Egirim, 1940-88.
Beckingham, C.F., “Ibn Hauqal's map of Italy”, In Bosworth, C.E.(ed.), Iran and Islam, in memory of the later Vladimir Minorsky, Edinburg 1971: 73-78.
Beer. Arthur. "The Astronomical Significance of the Zodiac of Qusayr ‘Amra." In Early Muslim Architecture, vol. 1, Umayyads, A.D. 622-T50. by K. A. C. Cresswell, 2d ed., pt. 2. 432-40. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

Beeston, A. F. L. “Idrisi’s Account of the British Isles” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, XIII (1950), Part 2: 265-280.

Ben-Zaken, Avner. “Political Economy and Scientific Activity in the Ottoman Empire” In The Turks, 6 Vols., Vol.3: Ottomans. Ed. H. C. Güzel, C. C. Oğuz, and O. Karatay. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Publications, 2002: 776-794.

Berggren, J. L. “A Comparison of Four Analemmas for Determining the Azimuth of the Qibla.” Journal for the History of Arabic Science 4 (1980): 69-80.
Idem, “Al-Biruni on plane maps of the sphere”, Journal for the History of Arabic Science, 6 (1982): 47-112.
Berkes. Niyazi. "İbrahim Mūteferrika." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed.. 3: 996-98.

Beševliev, Bojan. “Die Nord- und West-Schwarzmeerkyste nach einer osmanischen Karte des 18. Jahrhunderts” Materialia Turcica, 7-8 (1981-1982): 72-112.
Idem. “Die italienische und osmanische Seekartographie der Westküste des Schwarzen Meeres bis 18. Jh.” Bulgaria Pontica, 2 (1988): 666-689.

Bey, Mahmoud. "Le système métrique actuel d'Egypte: Les nilomètres anciens et modernes et les antiques coudées d'Egypte."Journal Asiatique. ser. 7, vol. 1 (1873): 67-110.

Biadene, Susanna (a cura di). Carte da navigar. Portolani e carte nautiche del museo Correr, 1318-1732. Venezia: Marsilio, 1990.

Blachère, R. Extraits des principaux géographes arabes du Moyen Age. Paris-Beirut, 1932.

Blau, O. "Ueber Volksthum und Sprache der Kumanen" In Z.D.M.G., Leipzig, 1875: 556-587.

Boigues, Francisco Poins. “El-Edrisi” In Ensayo Bio-Bibliografico sobre los Historiadores y Géografos arabigo-españoles. Madrid, 1898: 231-240.

Bostan, İdris. “Galata Tersanesi’nin 1527-1528 yılına ait gelir-gider muhasebesi.” Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2 (1986): 25-51.
Idem. “Piri Reis’in Kitab-ı Bahriyye’sinde bulunan tersane-i amire planları.” Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1.2 (1988): 67-68.
Idem. “XVI. Asırda Osmanlı tersâneleri ve gemi inşa tezgâhları.” Sadi Bayram (yay.), Mimarbaşı Koca Sinan. Yaşadığı çağ ve eserleri. [İstanbul]: T.C. Başbakanlık Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, 1988), 2: 125-129.
Idem. Osmanlı bahriye teşkilâtı: XVII. Yüzyılda tersâne-i âmire (Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1992).
Idem. “Beylikten İmparatorluğa Osmanlı denizciliği.” In Hasan Celâl Güzel et alii (ed.), Türkler. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye, 2002, 10: 122-128.
Idem. Kürekli ve Yelkenli Osmanlı Gemileri. İstanbul: bilge, 2005.

Bothmer, H.-D. von. "Die Illustrationen des Mi.inchener Qazwini von 1280 A.D." Ph.D. Thesis, University of Munich, 1976.

Brandel, R. A. Om och Ur den Arabiske Geographen Idrīsī. Upsala, 1894.

Brauer, Ralph W. “Boundaries and Frontiers in Medieval Muslim Geography.” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 85:6 (1995).

Bräunlich, Erich. “Zwei türkische Weltkarten aus dem Zeitalter der grossen Entdeckungen.” Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Philologisch-historische Klasse 89.1 (1937): 1-29. [Reprinted in: Islamic Geography, Vol. 22, Mathematical Geography and Cartography, Vol. 12, Reprint of Studies on the Ottoman Cartographers Pīrī Re’īs (d. 1554) and îağğī Aúmad (d. about 1560). Ed. Fuat Sezgin, Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Frankfurt am Main, 1992: 259-287]

Bredow, G.G. “Edrisis Weltcharte” Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden (Weimar), 13 (1804): 418-437; 14, (1804): 243-244. [Reprinted in: Islamic Geography, Vol. 5, Studies on al-Idrisi reprinted, first part. Ed. Fuat Sezgin, Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Frankfurt am Main, 1992: 32-53]

Brentjes, Sonja. “Western European Travelers in the Ottoman Empire and their Scholarly Endeavors (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries)” In The Turks, 6 Vols., Vol.3: Ottomans. Ed. H. C. Güzel, C. C. Oğuz, and O. Karatay. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Publications, 2002: 795-803.
Idem. “«Renegades» and missionaries as minorities in the transfer of knowledge.” In Multicultural science in the Ottoman Empire. Ed. by Ekmelledin Ihsanoglu, Kostas Chatzis and Efthymios Nicolaidis. Turnhout: Brepols, 2003: 63-70.
Idem. “Peiresc’s interests in the Middle East and North Africa in respect to geography and cartography”. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftgeschichte. Reprint 269. 2004.
Idem. “Mapmaking in Ottoman Istanbul between 1650 and 1750: A Domain of Painters, Calligraphers or Cartographers?” In Frontiers of Ottoman Studies: State, Province, and West. Ed. Colin Imber, Keiko Kiyotaki and Rhoads Murphey. 2 Vols., Vol. 2: 125-156. London-New York: I. B. Tauris, 2005.
Idem. “Revisiting Catalan portolan charts: do they contain elements of Asian provenance?”, forthcoming.
Idem. “Multilingualism in early modern maps”, forthcoming.
Idem. “Old and new identities in fifteenth-century maps”, forthcoming.

Brice, William C. "Early Muslim Sea-Charts." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1 (1977): 53-61.
Idem. "Compasses, Compassi, and Kanabis." Journal of Semitic Studies, 29 (1984): 169-78.

Brice, William, and Imber, Colin. “Turkish charts in the portolan style.” Geographic Journal, 144 (1978): 528-529.

Brice, William, Colin Imber, and Richard Lorch. “The Aegean sea-chart of Mehmed Reis Ibn Menemenli A.D. 1590/1, Seminar on early Islamic science, Monograph No. 2, Manchester: University of Manchester, 1977.
Brice, William, Colin Imber, and Richard Lorch. The Dā’ire-yi Mu‘addel of Seydī ‘Ali Re’īs, Seminar on Early Islamic Science, Monograph No. 1, Manchester: University Of Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society, 1976.

Brieux, Alain. and Francis R. Maddison. Répertoire des facteurs d’astrolabes et de leurs oeuvres: Première partie, Islam. Paris: Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques, in press.
Bruijn. J. T. P. de. "al-Kirmani, Awhad al-Din." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed., 5: 166-67.

Brummett, Palmira. Ottoman seapower and Levantine diplomacy in the age of discovery. New York: State University of New York Press, 1994.
Idem, "Imagining the Early Modern Ottoman Space from Piri Reis to World History," in Virginia Aksan and Daniel Goffman, eds. Exploring the Early Modern Ottoman World, Cambridge U. Press, forthcoming.
Idem, "Ottoman Cartoon Maps: Imagining Space, Identity and Nation in the Istanbul Popular Press, 1908-1911," Colin Imber Festschrift, edited by Eugenia Kermeli and Oktay Özel, Isis Press, Istanbul, forthcoming.

Burski, Hans-Albrecht von. Kemel Re'is. Ein Beitrag zur Geschsichte der türkischen Flotte. Bonn, 1928.

Büyükturğul, Afif. “Türk denizcilerinin Atlas Okyanusu’ndaki harekâtı.” Belleten 181 (1982): 35-61.


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