Islamic Cartography علم الخرائط الإسلامي

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Islamic Cartography: A Bibliography of modern literature [A]

Islamic Cartography: A Bibliography of modern literature

All entries will be posted gradually following the alphabetical order of the authors’ names. For more see this paragraph


'Abd al-Mūlā, Mahmūd. Madrasat Bārdū al-Harbiyyah. Lybia/Tunis, Al-Dār al-'Arabiyyah lil-Kitāb, 1977.
’Abd al-’Alīm (Aleem), Anwar. “Concept of wind, tides, and currents among medieval Arab geographers in the Indian Ocean” Deep Sea Research, Vol. 14, 1967: 459-463.
Idem, “Ahmed Ibn Magid, Arab navigator of the XV century and his contributions to marine sciences” In Proceedings First Intern. Congress Hist. Oceanography, Monaco, 1968: 565 - 580.
Idem, “Arabian Sea” in Encyclopaedia Britannica-Anonym, Periplus maris erythraei in C. Muller Geogr. Graeci Minores, vol. I, 1978.
Idem, Al-Milāúa wa ’Ulūm al-Biúār ’ind al-Arab. Silsilat ’Ālam al-Ma’rifa, No. 13, Kuwait, 1990.

Abdullah, Thabit. “Arab views of northern Europeans in medieval history and geography” In Images of the other: Europe and the Muslim world before 1700. Sūrat al-ākhir: Ūrūbba wa-’l-ālam al-Islāmī qabla 1700. Ed. D.R.Blanks (Cairo Papers in Social Science, 19 ii (1996)) .Cairo: American University in Cairo, 1997, (Cairo Papers in Social Science, 19 ii (1996)): 73-80.

Abeydeera, A. “Taprobane, Ceylan ou Sumatra? Une confusion féconde. ” Archipel, no. 47 (1994): 87-123.

Abrahamowicz, Zigmunt. “Staraya turetskaya karta Ukrainy s planom vzryva Dneprovskikh porogov i ataki turetskogo flora na Kiev.” In Vostochnye istochniki po istorii narodov yugo-vostochnoy i
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Adnan Adıvar, Abdülhak. La science chez les Turcs Ottomans. Paris: G. P. Maisonneuve, 1939.
Idem, Osmanlı Türklerinde İlim. 2d ed. Istanbul: Maarif, 1943.
Idem, Osmanlı Türklerinde İlim. 4th ed. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1982.

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Ahmad, Nafis. “Muslim Contributions to Geography during the Middle Ages”, Islamic Culture 17 (1943): 241-263 (I), and Ibid, 18 (1944):167-186 (II).
Idem, Muslim Contribution to Geography. 1947; Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Kashmiri Bazar, 1972.
Idem, Muslims and the Science of Geography. Bangladesh: University Press Limited, 1980.

Ahmad, S. Maqbul. "Al-Mas’ūdī's Contributions to Medieval Arab Geography." Islamic Culture 27 (1953): 61-77.
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Idem, "Jughrāfiya." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed., 2: 575-87.
Idem, "Kharīta." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed., 4:1077-83.
Idem, “al-Idrisi." In Dictionary of Scientifc Biography, 16 vols. ed. Charles Coulston Gillispie, 7:7-9. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970-80.
Idem, “Cartography of al-Sharīf al-Idrīsī” In The History of Cartography, Vol.2, Book 1, Cartography in the traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies. Ed. J.B. Harley and David Woodward, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London, 1992: 156-174.
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Idem, “Geodesy, geology and mineralogy. Geography and cartography” In History of civilizations of Central Asia. Vol. 4: The age of achievement: A.D. 750 to the end of the fifteenth century.Part 2: The achievements. Ed. C.E.Bosworth and the late M.S.Asimov. Paris: UNESCO, 2000:205-221

Ahmad, Shamima. The Paris copy of the Mediterranean sea-atlas of Ali Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Al-Sharfi of Sfax, 958/1551. Unpublished M.A. thesis. Victoria University of Manchester. 1978.

AK, Mahmut. "Menâzırü'l-avâlim ve Kaynağı Takvîmü'l-büldân", Prof. Dr. Bekir Kütükoğlu'na Armağan, İstanbul 1991: 101-120.
Idem, “Coğrafya. (Osmanlılar Dönemi).” TÜRKİYE DİYANET VAKFI İSLÂM ANSİKLOPEDİSİ VIII (İstanbul 1993): 62-66.
Idem, "Osmanlı Coğrafyasında İki Yer Adı (Bahr-i Kulzüm / Kurzüm) Üzerine", İlmî Araştırmalar, II (İstanbul 1996): 7-12.
Idem, “Osmanlı Coğrafyası” (Türkçe ve İng.), Türk Dünyası Kültür Atlası. Osmanlı Dönemi, I (İstanbul 1999):138-163.
Idem, "İslâm Coğrafyacılarına Göre Trabzon", Trabzon Tarihi Sempozyumu, 6-8 Kasım 1998, Bildiriler, Trabzon 1999: 23-34.
Idem, “Hind Donanması Kaptanı ve Bahriye Müellifi Pirî Reis” Osmanlı, VIII (Ankara 1999): 372-377.
Idem, “Hind donanması kaptanı ve Bahriye müellifi Pirî Reis (Gelibolu, 1470? – Mısır, 1554).” Yeni Türkiye 33 (2000): 659-664.
Idem, "Bartınlı İbrahim Hamdi ve Atlas'ı", Türk Tarih Kurumu Belleten, LXIV/239 (2000): 69-87.
Idem, “Menâzırü’l-Avâlim”, Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, II/4-5 (2000): 291-306.
Idem, “Pîrî Reis (1470?-1554).” In Hasan Celâl Güzel et alii (ed.), Türkler, Ankara: Yeni Türkiye, 2002, 11: 313-320.
Idem, “The Rumelian Impressions of an Ottoman Traveler”, Second International Symposium on Islamic Civilisation in the Balkans, Trana, Albania, 4-7 December 2003, Abstracts, İstanbul 2003: 2.
Idem, “Leke-nâme ve Panzehir Risalesi”, İÜEF Tarih Dergisi, Sayı 39, İstanbul 2004: 97-124.
Idem, “Osmanlı Coğrafya Çalışmaları”, Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, II/4 (Türk Bilim Tarihi), İstanbul 2004: 163-211.

Akalar, Zeren. "Tarihi konularda Türk minyatürieri.'" Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı 3 (1970): 151-66.

Akbayar, Nuri. Osmanlı yer adları sözlüğü, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı, 2001.

Aksel, Malik. Türklerde Dinî Resimler, Istanbul: Elif Kitabevi, 1967.

Aktepe, Münir. "İstanbul Fenerbahçesi hakkında bazi bilgiler." Tarih Dergisi, no.32 (March 1979): 349-72.

Ala'i, Cyrus. "Oriental medieval maps of the Persian Gulf." The Map Collector 60 (Autumn 1992): 2-8.
Idem, "Persia or Iran? What do maps say?." The Map Collector 70 (Spring 1995): 12-17.
Idem, "Mapping Persia: A brief introduction." IMCoS Journal 94 (Autumn 2003): 5-22.
Idem, "The Traditional Cartography of Islamic Classical Societies." The Portolan 54 (Fall 2002): 9-19.
Idem, "A New Home for an Old Map." Mercator's World 2,3 (1997 May/June): 62-63.

Albuquerque, Luís de. 0 livro de marinharia de Andrei Pires. Agrupamento de Estudos de Cartografia Antiga, Secção de Coimbra, vol. 1. Lisbon: Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, 1963.
Idem, "Quelques commentaires sur la navigation orientale à l'époque de Vasco da Gama."Arquivos do Centro Cultural Português 4 (1972): 490-500.
Idem, A Náutica e a Ciência em Portugal. Notas sobre as Navegações, Lisboa: Gradiva, 1989.
Idem, “O “Corpo” Roteirístico Português,” In Dúvidas e Certezas na História dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, vol. II, Lisboa: Vega, 1991, 75-92.

Albuquerque, Luís de; and J. Lopes Tavares. Algumas observações sobre o planisfério "Cantino," 1502. Agrupamento de Estudos de Cartografia Antiga. Série Separata, Secção de Coimbra, vol. 21. Coimbra: Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, 1967.

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Ali, Salah Salam. “Arabic reference to Plato's lost Atlantis” Islamic Quarterly, vol. 43, (1999), no. iv: 259-278.

Allibert, C. “Une description turque de l’Océan indien au XVe siècle. L’Océan indien Occidental dans le Kitab-i Bahriye de Piri Reis (1521)" Etudes Océan Indien, X,1988 : 9-51.
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Alibhai, Mohamed Abualy. “Abū Ya’qūb al-Sijistānī and 'Kitāb Sullam al-Najāt': A Study in Islamic Neoplatonism." Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 1983.

Almagia, Roberto. "Il mappamondo di Piri Reis e la carta di Colombo del 1498." Bollettino della Reale Società Geografica Italiana, 71 (1934): 442-49.

Alpagut, A. Haydar. Marmara'da Türkler. Istanbul, 1941.

Alpagut, Haydar and Fevzi Kurtoglu. Introduction to Piri Reis, Kitāb-i Bahriye. [facsimile of Süleymaniye Library, MS Ayasofya 2612]. Istanbul: Devlet Basımevi, 1935.

Amara, Allaoua et Nef, Anliese. “Al-Idrīsī et les Hammūdides de Sicile: nouvelles données biographiques sur l'auteur du Livre de Roger” Arabica, vol. 48, (2001) no. I :121-127.

Amari, Michele. “Il Libro di Re Ruggiero ossia la Geografia di Edrisis” Bollettino della Societa Geografica Italiana (Firenze) 7. 1872: 1-24. [Reprinted in: Islamic Geography, Vol. 5, Studies on al-Idrisi reprinted, first part. Ed. Fuat Sezgin, Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Frankfurt am Main, 1992: 112-135]

Amari, Michele et Dufour, A.H. Carte comparée de la Sicile moderne avec la Sicile au XIIe siècle d’après Edrisi et d’autres géographes arabes. Paris, 1859. [Reprinted in: Islamic Geography, Vol. 5, Studies on al-Idrisi reprinted, first part. Ed. Fuat Sezgin, Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Frankfurt am Main, 1992: 63-111]

Amari, Michele e Schiaparelli, Celestino. “L’Italia descritta nel ‘Libro del Re Ruggero’ compilato da Edrisi. Testo arabo pubblicato con versione e note.” In Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, 1876-77. Serie Seconda—volume VIII). [Reprinted in: Islamic Geography, Vol. 6, Studies on al-Idrisi reprinted, second part. Ed. Fuat Sezgin, Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Frankfurt am Main, 1992: 1-317].

Anafarta, Nigar. Hünername Minyatürlerı ve Sanatçıları. Istanbul, 1969.

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Andreadēs, E. “Ē perigrafē tēs Kuprou apo ton Piri Reïs” Kupriakai Spoudai, no. 44 (1980): 107-122.

Anonymous. “Uber eine alte Weltkarte in der Markus-bibliothek zu Vendig. ” Das Ausland (Augsburg) 39. 1866. pp. 399-400. [Reprinted in: Islamic Geography, Vol. 22, Mathematical Geography and Cartography, Vol. 12, Reprint of Studies on the Ottoman Cartographers Pīrī Re’īs (d. 1554) and îağğī Aúmad (d. about 1560). Ed. Fuat Sezgin, Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Frankfurt am Main, 1992: 405-406].

Anteisenowa, Zofa. The Globe of Martin Bylica of Olkusz and Celestial :Maps in the East and in the West. Trans. Andrzej Potocki. Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy Imienia Ossolińskich, 1959.

Arbel, Benjamin. "Maps of the World for Ottoman Princes? Further Evidence and Questions Concerning `The Mappamondo of Hajji Ahmed'." Imago Mundi 54 (2002): 19-29.

Arendonk, C. van. "Ibn Hawqal." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam; 1st ed. 2: 383-84.

Arnaud, Jean-Luc, « Corpus cartographique pour l'histoire de Damas, Syrie, a la fin de la periode ottomane (1760-1924), » Imago Mundi vol. 53 (2001) : 46-70.

Arnaud, Pascal "Les villes des cartographes." Mélanges de 1'Ecole Française de Rome, Moyen Age-Temps Modernes 96 (1984): 537-602.

Arroyo Ruiz-Zorrilla, R. “La contribución de los judíos españoles al desarrollo de la ciencia náutica en los tiempos precedentes al descubrimiento de América.” Revista de Historia Naval 56 (1997): 47-56.

Ashtor, E. “La geografia dell'Europa nelle opere di Persiani e Arabi nell'undicesimo secolo” In Popoli e paesi nella cultura altomedievale ... 1981 (Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, XXIX) . Spoleto: Presso la Sede del Centro, 1983, (Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, XXIX): 647-708.

Aslanapa. Oktay. "Macaristan'da Türk Abideleri." Tarih Dergisi 1 (1949-50): 323-45.

Atasoy. Nurhan."1558 tarihli 'Süleymanname' ve Macar Nakkaş Pervane." Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı 3 (1970): 167-96.
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Avezac (d’), Marie Armand Pascal. “Note sur une mappamonde turke du XVIe siècle conservée a la Bibliothèque de Saint-Marc a Venise” Bulletin de la Société de Géographie (Paris), 5éme série, t. 10. 1865. pp. 675-757. [Reprinted in: Islamic Geography, Vol. 22, Mathematical Geography and Cartography, Vol. 12, Reprint of Studies on the Ottoman Cartographers Pīrī Re’īs (d. 1554) and Hağğī Aúmad (d. about 1560). Ed. Fuat Sezgin, Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Frankfurt am Main, 1992: 315-398].

Aydüz, Salim. “The role of translations in the eighteenth century in transferring modern European science and technology to the Ottoman Empire.” Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi 4-5 (2000): 499-511.

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Ayyubi, N. Akmal. “Turkish contribution to cartography.” Islamic Culture 58.3 (1984): 227-232.
Idem, “Contributions of Muslim Turks to geography.” Belleten 199 (1987): 67-74


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